
Carl Barat launches Kraken’s weekly online reading series

Carl Barat has launched Kraken Black Spiced Rum’s new weekly online maritime reading series.
The Libertines co-frontman joined forces with the beverage brand to get ‘Krakenory, kick-started with the first episode on Instagram and Facebook, which sees the 41-year-old rocker put his "dulcet tones" to good use by reading out ‘20,000 Leagues Under the Sea’.
The new series was released to offer some light relief during the coronavirus pandemic, and Kraken – who is made for a mythical Sea Beast – suggest sitting back with one of their cocktails to relax whilst listening.
Carl said: "We’re living in strange, uncertain times, and until we return to normality, we need to find interesting, ways to keep ourselves amused. "And if listening to my dulcet tones reading from ‘20,000 Leagues Under the Sea’ helps you escape, even for 25 minutes or so, then pull up a pew, make yourself a cocktail and embark on a voyage into the unknown."
‘Krakenory’ is inspired by BBC Children’s television series ‘Jackanory’, and another literary classic set to be read out by another guest reader for an upcoming episode is Herman Melville’s legendary ‘Moby Dick’.
Fans can also suggest a book to be read out with the chance to win a bottle of their famous Rum.
A new reading will be posted every Friday on The Beast’s Instagram and Facebook at 12pm.
The first episode is live now here: