Caitlyn Jenner is considering running for the US Senate.
The 67-year-old reality TV star – who was known as Bruce Jenner prior to undergoing gender reassignment surgery – has revealed she is currently weighing up the possibility of moving into politics, where she would represent the state of California.
The Republican-supporting Caitlyn shared: "I have considered it. I like the political side of it.
"Over the next six months or so, I gotta find out where I can do a better job.
"Can I do a better job from the outside? Kind of working the perimeter of the political scene, being open to talking to anybody? Or are you better from the inside, and we are in the process of determining that."
Caitlyn, who won an Olympic gold medal for the US at the Games in 1976, explained that she has already worked with the American Unity Fund in a bid to ensure lawmakers understand LGBT issues.
Speaking to 970 AM, she reflected: "That’s kind of my issue."
And Caitlyn suggested she could be the person to transform the Republican Party, saying she hopes that "equality" is at the forefront of its future.
She explained: "The perception of the Republican Party is that they are all about rich white guys trying to make money.
"I would hope in ​the next​ generation​ ​… that we can change the perception of the Republican ​P​arty and make it the party of equality."
Caitlyn revealed her political aspirations shortly after Kid Rock admitted that he is also open to running for office.
The musician’s announcement of his intention to run for the US Senate in Michigan was initially treated as a joke, but he’s since insisted he is serious.
In a post on Twitter, the 46-year-old star recently wrote: "​I have had a ton of emails and texts asking me if this website is real​ ​… The answer is an absolute YES​ (sic)"