
Britain’s Princess Anne visits distillery

Britain’s Princess Anne visited a distillery in Cumbria yesterday (22.07.15).

The Princess Royal was welcomed to The Lakes Distillery in Setmurthy, Cumbria by the company’s founder and managing director, Paul Currie, before she toured the £7 million development.

Speaking after the event, Paul told ITV News: "It was an incredible honour to have Her Royal Highness, The Princess Royal officially open The Lakes Distillery, all of us will remember this day for years to come.

"As the only distillery in Cumbria, we are very proud of our team and our facilities which are already producing award-winning spirits. It was a pleasure to be able to present the fruit of our hard work to such a prestigious guest.

"Her Royal Highness’ visit marks the start of our first summer season open to the public. We expect to attract 100,000 guests of all ages to the distillery each year, who will be able to follow the same tour as Her Royal Highness, and we hope they enjoy their visit just as much."

During her visit, Princess Anne revealed a commemorative plaque to mark the official opening on the distillery.

In advance of her arrival, a message posted on the company’s website read: "The Princess Royal is to visit the distillery and bistro to officially open England’s largest distillery.

"Princess Anne will be introduced to members of staff before unveiling a plaque marking the official opening."