
Britain’s Duke and Duchess of Cambridge £8 million flight

Britain’s Duke and Duchess of Cambridge flew to Scotland in an £8 million plane last week.

The royal couple were lent the private jet by the Duke of Westminster Gerald Grosvenor to travel with their children, George, two, and four-month-old daughter Charlotte to the Highlands to see Britain’s Queen Elizabeth.

The family were seen hopping off the eight-seater aircraft, which usually costs £12,000-a-day to hire, at Aberdeen airport on the evening of the Queen’s celebratory dinner in honour of her becoming the longest reigning monarch.

An onlooker told the Daily Express newspaper: "There were three cars waiting on the Tarmac for them as they landed."

The insider added: William and Kate got in one car with Prince George and then Charlotte, who was carried in a car seat, went in another car with the nanny."

This is the second time Prince George has taken a flight in the plush jet as he also travelled in it to see his great-grandfather Prince Philip in Scotland in September 2013.

Meanwhile, Catherine, 33 – formerly known as Kate Middleton before she married William in 2011 – will return to her royal duties this week after four months maternity leave.