Binky Felstead has already named her unborn child.
The ‘Made in Chelsea’ star isn’t due to welcome her little bundle of joy into the world with her partner Josh ‘JP’ Patterson for another few months but the on/off pair – who are currently back on – have already chosen their daughter’s moniker and middle name.
Binky’s best friend Ollie Locke told OK! magazine: "I think she is going to go mid-range. She’ll do classic. I do actually know the baby’s name. I even know the middle names. When she was seven weeks pregnant she came round to my flat for a drink and she gave me the baby scan. I burst into tears."
Although his best friend is happily settled with her beau and baby, Ollie is desperate to find someone of his own to love and to hate.
He explained: "I think everyone wants the same happily ever after. I’m not looking for a complete fairy tale. I want the dramas in between too, as otherwise it’ll be terribly boring. I’m looking for someone that I love and hate. Someone who I can have an argument with but still know that I want to spend the rest of my life with them."
The socialite came out as bisexual a few years ago but realised last summer that he was actually only interested in dating men following a string of failed romances.
Ollie said: "It was one of the most difficult things because I didn’t know my sexuality but I wanted to put it on the show. It was a big decision to talk about it. Bisexuality wasn’t talking about in the same way six years ago. People didn’t understand it and people didn’t particularly like it. The ridicule I got from not saying I was gay immediately was unreal. It was judged highly. It wasn’t fair."
Binky Felstead has named her unborn child