
Bella Hadid loves man behind The Weeknd

Bella Hadid "doesn’t see" her boyfriend as The Weeknd.
The 19-year-old model has been in a relationship with the ‘Can’t Feel My Face’ hitmaker since May 2015, and though she is "proud" of his music, she sees his performing persona as separate from his real identity, Abel Tesfaye.
She said: "I’m dating Abel. I don’t see him as The Weeknd. I’m proud of The Weeknd and the music he makes, but I really love Abel."
Earlier this year, The Weeknd picked up Grammy Awards for Best Urban Contemporary Album for ‘Beauty Behind the Madness’ and Best R’n’B Performance for ‘Earned It’ and Bella was proud to be by his side at the prestigious ceremony.
She told the new issue of America’s Glamour magazine: "It was a big night for him.
"He has worked so hard, and he did so well that night. As a girlfriend I wanted to be there to support him. Seeing him so happy when he won a Grammy made me so happy."
Meanwhile, Bella also has a very close bond with her older sister, fellow model Gigi Hadid, 20.
She said of her sibling: "We’re definitely a lot more similar than people think. We have the same voice, the same mannerisms. Sometimes we’ll finish each other’s sentences, or we’ll be the only people laughing.
"We’ve always been close. As kids, especially on weekends, our mom would drive us to the barn at 6:30 A.M., and we would spend the day together riding our horses, and washing and cleaning them."
And Bella hit out at Stephanie Seymour after the 48-year-old model branded Gigi and her friend Kendall Jenner "b***hes of the moment", admitting her comments were "hurtful" as they all work really hard for their success.
Bella said: "I’ve worked with Stephanie before and loved her; she was sweet to me. I don’t know if she meant it in that mean way.
"But even so, it’s still hurtful. My sister and Kendall work their asses off. We’re all working hard.
"You just have to let your success speak for itself…because at the end of the day, we’re making our money…. I don’t want anybody to fail. Why would you wish that upon somebody? If you’re a powerful woman and you’re confident in yourself, you want other people to succeed."