
Balmoral shames litter louts

Britain’s royal estate of Balmoral has warned of litter louts.

The home of the Royal family in Scotland, where the Prince of Wales and the Duchess of Cornwall spend their summer breaks each year, has highlighted the problem of people littering around the scenic countryside.

Staff posted a photograph on the Balmoral Castle & Estate Facebook page of broken glass and banana skins that were found around the Lochnagar mountain.

A statement next to the image described the tainted land.

It read: "Home to golden eagle, ptarmigan, snow bunting and lots and lots of used tissues, broken glass, drink cans and banana skins.

"This picture shows just some of the litter collected in and around the summit of Lochnagar yesterday!"

The image has enraged locals, who quickly reposted the picture and complained about people "traipsing" over the countryside.

One commented: "And people wonder why landowners don’t want people traipsing all over their land? If I turned up in town & sat on a strangers’ lawn for a picnic they wouldn’t be happy! (sic)".

Another said "Besides cluttering up the amazing and beautiful scenery, leaving trash behind is dangerous to animals, their habitats, and to people who are walking thru the area. I wish people were more considerate."

and enjoy the pursuits of fishing and walking in the beautiful countryside