
Ashton Kutcher’s ‘happy’ with Guinness manhood

Ashton Kutcher was "very happy" after wife Mila Kunis claimed his manhood is like "a Guinness" after initially comparing his member to a "carrot stick".
The ‘Bad Moms’ actress joked her former ‘Two and a Half Men’ star husband was delighted when she insisted his piece is most certainly more like a can of the Irish beer rather than a thin slice of the orange vegetable.
She told E!: "He was very happy about the Guinness. And then I was like, ‘I should’ve been like a 40!’
"Listen, it’s a fact. He’s like a Guinness, you guys."
The pregnant star – who has 21-month-old daughter Wyatt with ‘The Ranch’ star – compared Ashton’s private parts to a "carrot stick" during an appearance on ‘The Late Late Show’.
While playing host James Corden’s game ‘Spill Your Guts or Fill Your Guts’, the 32-year-old beauty was faced with a choice of a tiny slice of the orange food product or a beer can to compare his manhood to.
Or, if she didn’t want to answer she could drink a revolting beverage as a punishment.
Mila said: "Oh my god, what am I going to do?"
After contemplating whether to drink one of the vile concoctions, she said: "I have to have one or the other? OK, carrot stick."
James and Mila’s ‘Bad Moms’ co-star Christina Applegate, who was also playing the game, immediately fell about laughing, and he said: "Hang on, carrot stick?!"
The 32-year-old stunner replied: "But beer cans are short?"
He then said: "No, no. Big beer can."
Mila soon changed her mind, saying: "Oh, beer can, beer can!"