
Andrew Maxwell attacked with pint

Andrew Maxwell had a pint thrown at him for joking about Scotland’s recent referendum.

The stand-up comedian has admitted he often takes his life in his hands during his gigs but insists the aggression some audience members display only adds to the atmosphere.

Speaking ahead of the Magners Greenwich Comedy Festival, which returns to the National Maritime Museum from the 24th-28th September, he exclusively told BANG Showbiz: "I got a pint thrown at my head in Edinburgh the other week.

"It was because my whole show was about the referendum and pulling apart all the reference.

"One true hero couldn’t take it. It lasted five minutes.

"He throws his pint at my head and the crowd goes nuts, instantly about four people throw pints at his head.

"He then tries to backtrack and maintain he attacked me because I was rude to a midget. It’s f***ing great."

The star admitted he often tries to do "weird gigs" because he is curious to see how the crowd will react.

He said: "Over the years I’ve deliberately done weird gigs. I recorded a live album in my hometown Dublin maximum security prison.

"Relatively speaking Greenwich has been relatively normal."

Over the years the star has been threatened with much more than a pint when his gags go wrong, and he joked people don’t put enough effort into sending him death threats anymore.

He added: "People used to get local newspapers and sit down for hours on end cutting out different letters and sticking your death threat onto a piece of card.

"It’s all Wi-Fi and 3G now, people can just fire off a death threat. You don’t even have to put the effort in now. A noble tradition is dying and nobody seems to care!"

The Magners Greenwich Comedy Festival returns from the 24th to 28th September, with the UK’s favourite bottled apple cider once again playing a key role in supporting the British comedy scene by taking headline sponsorship of the festival.

This year’s line-up also features Rich Hall, Milton Jones, Nina Conti and more, with tickets starting at £15. Book your tickets at or follow @MagnersUK to enter daily ticket competitions.