
Adam Lambert’s new song celebrates diversity

Adam Lambert’s new single ‘Welcome To The Show’ is a call to celebrate diversity in all human beings.
The 34-year-old singer has unveiled a new music video which he has self-produced for the track – which also features Swedish vocalist Laleh – on the Wonderland and FLAUNT websites and has written a personal note explaining the inspiration behind the track and promo.
Adam – who tours with Queen – insists he wants people of all sexualities, different races and differing religions to find "pride" in themselves and recognise the "universal emotions" of the "human heart".
The openly gay rock star wrote: "’Welcome To The Show’ is an anthem about facing exactly who you are and OWNING it. Its intended as a mantra to inspire strength and PRIDE. After recording the song a few months ago, I felt very compelled to create a video to further communicate it’s meaning.
"I notice such diversity in my audiences when I’m on tour: Young, old, male, female, Trans, Gay, Straight, White, Black, Asian, Hispanic, and every beautiful in-between. The common bond is that they are all HUMAN BEINGS. No matter how we identify, the human heart has a universal set of emotions and needs. Sure it’s idealistic, but couldn’t we be recognising our similarities, instead of our differences? It all comes down to Identity … To everyone who has listened and shared my songs and given me the purpose to keep moving forward. It’s a thank you to all of you who choose to accept and Love who YOU are! We hold each other up! I want you to keep celebrating exactly who you are, even if you don’t fit into the worlds ideas of what they think you should be. Take your flaws in stride, nurture your talents, take pride in your Queerness, and share all the love you have. (sic)"
Adam – who shot to fame on ‘American Idol’ in 2009 – admits he has fallen into the trap of accepting society’s labels for him and has become a slave to the "social media popularity contest".
But he has now freed himself from expectations of others and he wants his fans to do the same.
He added: "We as a society are obsessed with how to classify and define each person. There are new labels invented monthly for how to describe new "types". In some cases, these labels are needed to empower us and give us clarity, but it seems that at some point, all the categorising can become quite divisive. I’ve seen so many people trapped by the identity they put so much effort into maintaining, or shunned by choosing not to. I have fallen into that trap myself. True Individuality seems daunting in our age of social media popularity contests. Sometimes it’s terrifying to face your true, whole self, stripped of any pretence. The good, the bad, the cracks, and the scars. I am no stranger to the feeling of not liking myself. Once I get past my own body image issues, I realise that I sometimes also neglect my own spirit. Living in a world filled with so much hatred sometimes makes cultivating self-love a very difficult task. I have always struggled with this as I’m sure many of you have … Through my art, I pledge to bring empathy and courage to anyone who has been made to feel unworthy or ashamed while daring to be themselves."