Cheryl Tweedy and Liam Payne have been refused planning permission to extend their Surrey home.
The showbiz power couple – who have six-month-old son Bear together – wanted to double the size of their mansion in Woking, south east England, but the pair’s latest building suggestions have been rejected because it would spoil picturesque views of the surrounding countryside.
Cheryl, 34, and Liam were hoping to build a super garage for their collection of cars, including the One Direction star’s £260,000 Lamborghini, and construct an indoor pool inside the plush property, which the 24-year-old star bought for £5 million two years ago.
According to Mail Online, case officer Brooke Bougnague stated: "The proposed single storey side and front extensions represent a disproportionate addition over and above the size of the original dwelling and consequently constitutes inappropriate development within the Green Belt.
"Additionally the scale, bulk and siting of the proposal would appear harmful to the openness of the Green Belt. No very special circumstances have been submitted with the application which would outweigh the harm to the Green Belt."
The plans were also turned down because their abode would no longer share important qualities with the local area.
Brooke added: "The proposed extension by reason of its scale, massing and proportions would result in an extension that does not pay due regard to the scale and proportions of the host dwelling which would be detrimental to the appearance of the building and the character and appearance of the streetscene."
The latest planning application was the sixth Liam has submitted since he forked out for the mansion.
Other amendments Cheryl and Liam previously submitted are also said to include a tropical plant area, a Jacuzzi, as well as a basement area, a gym and games room.