Priyanka Chopra will be honoured at the Variety Power of Women luncheon next month.
The ‘Quantico’ actress has become known for championing the battle for equality for women in Hollywood and across the world, and now her humanitarian work is being recognised by Variety, who will honour her at their annual Power of Women event in October.
Priyanka, 35, is being honoured specifically for her work with UNICEF, and will join fellow honourees ‘Piece By Piece’ singer Kelly Clarkson, ‘Wonder Woman’ director Patty Jenkins, and actresses Octavia Spencer and Michelle Pfeiffer.
Michelle Sobrino-Stearns, group publisher and chief revenue officer of Variety said in a statement: "We are once again honored to partner with Lifetime to present our Power of Women event.
"At the heart of this event is a desire to promote the importance of philanthropy within the entertainment community. This year’s honourees are passionate and inspiring women working to help shine a light on causes important to them. We hope it inspires others to do the same."
Meanwhile, the ‘Baywatch’ star recently said she was "digging her feet in" to make it "easier" for the next generation of actresses in Hollywood to be considered as equals, and get the meatier roles like their male counterparts.
She said: "Well first of all, just to take a step back, women had had to choose what they wanna make because parts are not written in Hollywood or entertainment. We’re so far behind, I mean we just had Wonder Woman, which is our first big major female superhero movie directed by a female. We’ve just had one director that’s ever won an Academy Award who is female ever in the history of entertainment. I mean, come on! …
"I’m digging my feet in and not gonna settle ever. Because it’s gonna take people like me, like a lot of other women out there, to make it easier for the next generation where they don’t have to feel like, ‘Oh, there are not parts written for us. We always have to stand behind the guy.’ [We have to] create parts for ourselves because nobody else is gonna do it."